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Delic, Costanilla de San Andrés


Plaza de la Paja is a beautifully calm square, with plenty of trees and shade from the attractive buildings. With a handy terrace at Delic, I cannot imagine wanting to be anywhere else on a Sunday morning. Except asleep, perhaps. I spent more than an hour sipping really strong milky coffee before the sun rose above the building behind me and I discovered that I had unwisely chosen the first table to be hit with the sun; I have never paid the bill and left so quickly. I shall take one of the tables higher up next time.

The next day we went looking for a cheap lunch menu, but plan A (Casa de Paco) did not have a fixed price lunch menu, and Plan B (Café del Núncio) was deserted, so we ended up back at Plaza de la Paja. We sat outside Delic for lunch, but a few of my classmates did not appreciate the excellent sandwiches (about €4 each) because they were quite oily. I did not mind, because I got to swap my pan con tomate y jamón for a cured duck ham ciabatta. Cuba's chicken salad wrap looked good too.

Coming back to this excellent cafe for a late evening coffee in early October, it was a shock to realise that it was actually to chilly to sit outside on the terrace; I supposed it was not summer any more. Fortunately, Delic is good inside, and has plenty of comfortable furniture in the back room. This is probably my favourite cafe in Madrid.

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