Articles tagged ‘programming’
Write comments before refactoring code
overcoming the self-documenting code delusion • 2025-02-11
Write code with meaning
What connects 3 of the 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know • 2024-04-30
Original programming jokes
Social media timestamp-based attribution • 2023-09-26
The importance of programming jokes
Domain-specific jokes’ purpose • 2022-06-21
Domain-specific languages go digital
Alternative names for ‘domain-specific language’ (DSL) • 2022-06-14
Write better code
Learning how to become a better coder • 2021-07-27
Apologetic error messages
Following through on a naming idea by @huizendveld • 2021-06-15
Refactor Boolean values to enumerations
From ‘97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know’ • 2020-10-07
Source code layout
Why source code deserves layout as well as typography • 2020-09-22
Ugly code and typography
Why good code still looks bad 60 years on • 2020-09-15
Get better at naming things
From ‘97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know’ • 2020-09-08
Write one-sentence documentation comments
From ‘97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know’ • 2020-08-11
First look: Dark
A new back-end language and #nobuild web-based development environment • 2020-05-26
Single-letter names - a cautionary tale
Phillip Relf’s story of two lazy array index names • 2017-01-10
What science says about naming
Computer science papers about naming (co-written with Felienne Hermans) • 2016-12-26
How to get better at naming things
10 steps to mastering names in code • 2016-11-20
Naming smells
Code smells that indicate bad names so you can avoid using them • 2016-10-31
Why naming things is hard
The hardest thing in programming and the great naming myth • 2016-10-22
Constructive laziness
Creative productivity for programmers • 2016-03-28
Book review: Functional Programming in Java
by Pierre-Yves Saumont - FP unencumbered by libraries, standard or otherwise • 2016-01-29
Legacy code
One programmer’s meat is another programmer’s poison • 2015-11-28
Not talking to programmers
Why face-to-face communication isn’t as good as they say • 2015-11-20
Book review: Functional Reactive Programming
by Stephen Blackheath and Anthony Jones - Intelligent, clear and witty • 2015-10-26
Comments are the introduction
three ways to introduce code • 2014-11-03
How to comment code
What you have to actually do to get good comments • 2014-10-09
3 kinds of good comments
Code tells you what and how - you need comments to say why • 2014-10-08
7 ways to write bad comments
Things you don’t want to do to your code • 2014-10-07
Fear of renaming
Why renaming is harder than naming • 2014-09-17
Meaningless variable names
Naming things without actually choosing a name • 2014-09-04
Software development quotations
My favourite insights from articulate programmers; send me yours! • 2014-09-03
Inspecting HTTP client requests
Four easy tools for debugging web services • 2014-08-28
Neil Gaiman’s rules for coding
@neilhimself writes about programming • 2014-08-20
Code comments and metaphysical subjectivism
The philosophy of software maintenance and the objective meaning of legacy code • 2014-07-29
Learning another programming language
The second language is hardest • 2014-07-28
Arithmetic symbols in source code
Why ASCII’s fifty year-old legacy is still with us • 2014-07-25
Using only English words in code
What if you could tell the compiler to require correct spelling? • 2014-07-21
Object-oriented programming with constrained types
What if you had to define types for all values? • 2014-07-17
Enforcing coding style as part of the language
What if the compiler only accepted one coding style? • 2014-07-16