Rotterdam cafes & restaurants

Parket, Nieuwe Binnenweg 9, Rotterdam, tel. 4361655

One of 66 Rotterdam Cafe & Restaurant reviews.

Recommendation: go for drinks and try the cocktails.

Parket used to be a nice seedy bar, so it was a surprise when its recent renovation turned it into a cool modern bar that rivals De Witte Aap. Parket is a popular popular place, but there is usually still room to squeeze in at the bar to guzzle cocktails, even at midnight on a Friday. The caipirinhas and mojitos are rather good, as it happens.

As well as good cocktails, Parket has good furniture, with a sofa inside and plenty of seats on the terrace outside that takes over the pavement on weekend evenings.

Parket shares various things with Stalles next door, such as owners the toilets at the back, but otherwise they are quite different bars. Probably market segmentation, or something.

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Tags: good bar cocktails