Rotterdam cafes & restaurants

Pssst Amigo, Stadhuisplein 17, Rotterdam, tel. 4138180

One of 66 Rotterdam Cafe & Restaurant reviews.

Good for: food - dinner with big groups

The atmosphere here was quite bright and lively, and the food, value and service are not bad, provided that you have never been to a proper restaurant. The same goes for the Margheritas, which are a pleasant alternative to lemonade, but have little to do with an actual cocktail. That probably does not matter to the young crowd who are here more for the group atmosphere or for dates. The menu has a reasonable selection of Mexican-style dishes that are not especially good, but then there is not much in the way of competition in Rotterdam.

This small chain of Mexican restaurants also has a branch in Delft, which was comparable when we tried it years ago.

Peculiarity: big plastic cacti.

Last visit: 2006

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