Rotterdam cafes & restaurants

Café Anders, Rodenrijselaan 43b, Rotterdam

One of 66 Rotterdam Cafe & Restaurant reviews.

Recommendation: move into the neighbourhood.

Previously closed down, Café Anders reopened in August 2010.

Although it is difficult to pin down why, Café Anders is Rotterdam's best bar for locals. Its location North of the city centre gives it a local thirty-plus crowd, one or two of whom are permanent fixtures. The quiet atmosphere, mobile phone ban, and down-to-earth decor, including the wall tiles from the former butcher's, make this the ideal kind of bar to sit around and chat over a beer: Korenwolf on tap.

The interior is not very big, but as well as the space around the bar, there is a back room, a gallery upstairs, and a decent terrace in the summer. The gallery is the best place to sit, preferably next to the pulley that hoists a drinks tray up from the bar.

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Tags: excellent local bar