Rotterdam cafes & restaurants

Cappucino, Korte Hoogstraat 23, Rotterdam, tel. 4135872

One of 66 Rotterdam Cafe & Restaurant reviews.

Recommendation: see if it matches your taste, or go to Bagels and More for better value and more space.

Cappucino [sic] is the latest incarnation of this popular bagel cafe, previously Bagel Break and Gary's Muffins. In the few months since it opened, Cappucino become a much better cafe bringing a much more interesting atmosphere and better service (table-service even!) to a place that was already good. Since then, Cappucino has developed the style and decor even further, making this a truly great cafe.

The interior keeps the close-packed tables that Bagel Break had, and is still packed on weekend lunchtimes, but manages to remain comfortable despite the crowds.

The basis of this cafe are the bagels themselves, which are easily the best and most authentic of the several bagel places now in the centre of Rotterdam. The fillings are good, even if not as fancy as at Bagel Bakery, although there were signs of changes to the menu last time we visited, such as new home-made pesto, that merit further investigation.

The terrace, which is one of the better ones in the centre of town, is certainly a reason to look forward to summer. Best of all, recent improvements brought wind breaks, which make all the difference on such a windy corner.

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Tags: excellent bagels coffee