Writing by Peter Hilton

Principles of living documentation

Reflections on ‘Living Documentation’, by @cyriux 2021-05-25 #documentation #book

Living Documentation - book cover

  1. Principles of documentation
  2. Principles of living documentation
  3. Knowledge exploitation
  4. Knowledge augmentation
  5. Curation and storytelling
  6. Glossaries and data dictionaries

The book Living Documentation, by Cyrille Martraire explores the concept of living documentation. This article examines what that means.

Martraire’s principles of documentation establish documentation as a knowledge-sharing process. Chapter 1 continues with principles of living documentation, followed by the canonical example of living documentation in chapter 2.

Living documentation

People often abuse the term living document when sharing a document with other people who could potentially keep it up-to-date but who, in practice, will do no such thing. In Martraire’s book, living documentation has a more specific meaning.

Gojko Adzic introduced the term living documentation in his book Specification by Example to refer to the result of a documentation system. The documentation provides a reliable accessible source of software system knowledge, based on validated specifications. An example of this fills Martraire’s second chapter.

Behaviour-driven development

Behaviour-driven development (BDD) offers the canonical example of living documentation in its use of structured English test scenarios, combined with automated testing tools.

The tooling plays a critical role: it reconciles any differences between test scenarios and automated tests - two redundant knowledge representations. This reconciliation (fixing failing tests) ensures that the documentation (the test scenarios) remains up-to-date.

Four principles

Martraire introduces principles of living documentation (p20) and later matches them to BDD (p65). We learn that BDD satisfies all four principles by providing:

  1. collaborative documentation that takes input from people in business, development and testing roles
  2. insightful documentation whose precise structure exposes uncertainty and complexity
  3. reliable documentation, thanks to automated checks and manual reconciliation with its implementation
  4. low-effort documentation based on test scenarios, assuming that you already put in the effort to identify and discuss concrete examples.

BDD appears to satisfy these principles by construction; perhaps BDD specifies living documentation by example. Either way, we can use these principles to evaluate other kinds of living documentation. However, we may have to add a fifth principle: we need feasible documentation.

Documentation costs money

The principle of low effort risks causing a misunderstanding, and especially this note (p63):

If the tool you need in your context is missing, you should create it on top of or as a derivation of existing tools. The sky’s the limit. Custom tools or extensions of tools can be created as fun projects, on hackathon days, or during slack time; they needn’t be made by vendors or other people.

This veers dangerously close to the management fantasy that some necessary software development work might happen for free, in hours you somehow don’t have to account for. However, Martraire really means that living documentation’s value must justify the effort it requires. In particular, developers should take care to avoid using living documentation as an excuse to embark on an endless documentation system development project.

This development cost may mean that living documentation’s ultimate popularity depends on emerging combinations of:

  1. a software development technique whose value justifies the overall effort, like BDD
  2. a documentation type that proves collaborative and insightful, like Gherkin test scenarios
  3. a reconciliation tool that makes the documentation reliable at reasonable effort, like Cucumber and SpecFlow.

After all, you might need more software documentation than test scenarios.

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