Writing by Peter Hilton

Describe expected behaviour in bug reports

Comparing notes on software behaviour expectations 2022-10-25 #product #maintenance

Ray Hennessy

  1. Observed behaviour
  2. Expected behaviour ←
  3. Reproduction steps
  4. Context & environment
  5. Workaround

Some bug reports include an error message that effectively says that, a bug made something go wrong. But some bug reports don’t necessarily describe a bug, in which case the support team has to identify the difference between the software’s behaviour and its expected behaviour.

Describe both expected and observed behaviour

Suppose a software user interface shows a table of customers, sorted by name. If you want to report the wrong sort order, describe both the observed and expected behaviour:

Observed: customers sorted by name

Expected: customers sorted by city, then by name

A minimal bug report only includes the first part. However, in many cases, resolving the issue will require the second part as well.

Design decisions

When designing this software’s table of customer names and addresses, the product team has to make design decisions. Should the table sort its rows by name, by city, or by country? It probably depends, so when they get a minimal bug report with the summary Customers sorted by name, they won’t know if it describes a bug unless they know whether the table should instead sort customers differently.

Given several equally-plausible options, the product team needs a design decision to define the correct behaviour. Even if they have already have made this decision, they might still want to revisit a decision that doesn’t align with customer expectations.

Therefore, as a customer, you should describe both observed and expected behaviour. This way, the product team knows whether to reject this bug report, because it doesn’t describe an actual bug and the software should sort customers by name.

Mismatched expectations

What if the product team decided not to sort the table of customers, for performance reasons? First, the product team still needs to know which behaviour you expect:

Observed: customers displayed in random order

Expected: customers sorted by city, then by name

This time, the bug report has a new element: it signals to the product team that the software might have a design problem. Perhaps the software really does display the customers in random order, which corresponds so a user-interface design bug, because random order never provides the best user experience. The difference between observation and expectation therefore lies in the gap between a correct observation, and a better expectation.

In a software user interface,
random order is never the right order

Just because a product’s design doesn’t meet your expectations, that doesn’t make your expectations wrong. Product teams often spend too much time with their own software, and fail to account for how software usually works.

Hidden behaviour

Suppose the software actually sorts customers by date added (not displayed). Now the design bug lies in sorting a table by an invisible value, making the order apparently random for the user. Now the difference between observation and expectation lies both:

  1. between an incorrect observation (random order) and actual behaviour (date order), and
  2. between the actual behaviour and the expectation (city order).

To understand this, the product team needs explicit descriptions of both observed behaviour and expected behaviour. Without both, bug reports may bounce between customer, support, and the product team, until someone adds more information.

Shared context

Describing expected behaviour surfaces differences in expectations between different people looking at the same software. But in reality, you can’t assume that everyone sees the same software thing.

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